3D Animation Film (Scenario, Storyboard, Video Editing, Logo, Concept and UI Design: Musab Ben)

Project Idea : M.Ben

Project Idea and Summary

The KYM Sahra Schools project was a sustainable initiative focused on constructing special schools in Africa, determined through an architectural design competition. I was tasked with creating a corporate identity, an animation film, a promotional website, posters, a booklet, and presentation designs to effectively communicate this project. The concept behind the logo design was applied across all aspects of the project, resulting in an enjoyable and streamlined production process.

Solution : M.Ben

Problem and Solution

Problem: The project was unique with no direct comparisons, requiring a compelling animation film and website to convey its essence. A distinctive logo design and concept were also necessary.

Solution: I developed an original logo design and crafted a simple yet impactful story to explain the project. This story was brought to life through 3D modeling and animation, with visuals and the narrative adapted for both the website and print media.

Examples of My Storyboard Drawings

Application: M.Ben

Application and Technology

After finalizing the logo design and corporate identity, I prepared a storyboard for the animation, structuring the story into three parts: introduction, development, and conclusion. The narrative highlighted the lack of sustainable projects and inadequate education in Africa, presenting the Sahra Schools project as a sustainable solution. Once the 3D animation was completed with my team, the same story, visuals, and flow were quickly and effectively implemented across a parallax website, booklet, and keynote presentations.


As a result, the client was extremely pleased with the designs and submitted the project designs to the Hongkong Images Pu
blishing Group Shanghai layout selection. 

The project was featured in the “Images Publishing Design Selected in the Information Graphics Layout Designs” book among the best designs.